
The Book of Isaiah, Chapters 40–66 is unavailable, but you can change that!

The second of John N. Oswalt’s two-part study of the book of Isaiah for the NICOT series, this commentary provides exegetical and theological exposition on the latter twenty-seven chapters of Isaiah for scholars, pastors, and students who seek to know the perennial meaning of the text in contemporary terms. Though Oswalt’s main introduction to Isaiah is found in his commentary on chapters 1–39,...

to enter into a disputation, an opening that suggests the start of a new literary unit. Having said that ch. 40 functions in an introductory way, one must immediately qualify that statement. One should not think that the chapter introduces all the major themes of even chs. 41–48, let alone chs. 41–55 or chs. 41–66. Three major themes that are not touched on are witness, the Servant, and the salvation of the nations.13 Thus the chapter does not provide a summary of what follows but rather sets the
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